Member of the Month: Cathy “Cat” Ferris McPherson

Cat McPhersonWe are excited to congratulate Cat Ferris McPherson as the April AMA member of the month!

Cat is recognized for her continued support and contributions to AMA Richmond. Her enthusiasm, commitment and belief in the value that AMA Richmond creates for the community has helped us grow in many ways. In addition to serving as a past president, this year she has mentored a fellow AMA member and joined the collegiate scholarship committee. She speaks highly of the value the Mentorship program creates for the community:

“My experience as a mentor in the AMA Mentorship exceeded my expectations. The opportunity to work closely with another marketing professional who is committed to improving themselves both personally and professionally not only benefits the mentee, but the mentor as well. We learned from each other, and in the process discovered new and exciting opportunities that we both could explore. This program has proven itself to be one of the most satisfying and worthwhile investments of time I’ve experienced in my professional career. Consider giving this gift of time and talent to a fellow marketer – you’ll be happy you did!”

Cathy also supported our mentorship recruitment efforts on social media and we attracted a record number of participants despite the pandemic.

Cat is an Associate Professor, Business/Marketing & Communication at Mary Baldwin University.

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