May Volunteer of the Month: Elizabeth Keene

image of Elizabeth Keene

image of Elizabeth KeeneCongratulations to Elizabeth Keene on being named the AMA Richmond May “Comcast Spotlight” Volunteer of the Month!

Elizabeth Keene, when not managing her three kids and seven pets, works as a freelance social media marketing consultant, and writes humorous things on her award-winning blog, Chronicles of Cardigan, and Facebook page.

What She Does for AMA Richmond and Why We Nominated Her:

“Elizabeth has been doing a phenomenal job managing our Twitter account on a daily basis. Her efforts have significantly increased engagement while helping to deliver educational content to Richmond’s local marketers. Her efforts have been consistent since day one and she is always willing to lend a hand when there’s a last minute need from the board” – Amanda Conocho

Comcast Spotlight combines the power of traditional television and premium digital video advertising to reach audiences through high-quality content at any time, on any device, and we’re ready to prove our impact on your business.

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