March Volunteer of the Month: Caitlin O’Donnell

Congratulations to Caitlin O’Donnell on being named the AMA Richmond March “Comcast Spotlight” Volunteer of the Month!


Caitlin is the senior manager of communications for the National Association of Chemical Distributors where she manages a wide range of projects in design/marketing, printing, and social media.

What She Does for AMA Richmond and Why We Nominated Her:

“Caitlin recently joined as a volunteer to the Special Events committee to help plan and execute our NEXT Hour social events. She has already proven to be a great asset to the team with her enthusiasm and positive attitude. We’re excited to have her on board as we continue to plan future NEXT Hour events!” LaTonya Whitaker

Comcast Spotlight combines the power of traditional television and premium digital video advertising to reach audiences through high-quality content at any time, on any device, and we’re ready to prove our impact on your business.

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