March Volunteer of the Month: Tim Asimos

image of Tim Asimos

Image of Tim AsimosCongratulations to Tim Asimos on being named the AMA Richmond March “Comcast Spotlight” Volunteer of the Month!

In his day job, Tim is Vice President and Director of Digital Innovation at circle S studio, a Richmond-based strategic marketing and digital agency. Leading circle S studio’s online marketing team, Tim develops innovative digital strategies for web development, content marketing, lead generation and marketing automation.

Tim is also a national speaker and syndicated blogger on the topics of online marketing, lead generation and content marketing. I’m a member of the American Marketing Association and a Past President of the Richmond chapter.

What He Does for AMA Richmond and Why We Nominated Him:

“Tim has been a champion of AMA-Richmond in many ways-from board member and president to SIG leader and adviser. He is always ready and willing to step in when needed and embodies our chapter’s values and mission through his work and service to the marketing community. We are fortunate to have him as part of our chapter and are grateful to be the recipients of his time, talent and expertise!” – Kourtney Ennis

Comcast Spotlight combines the power of traditional television and premium digital video advertising to reach audiences through high-quality content at any time, on any device, and we’re ready to prove our impact on your business.

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