September Volunteer of the Month: Coleen Moore

image of Coleen MooreCongratulations to Coleen Moore on being named the AMA Richmond September Effectv Volunteer of the Month!

What She Does for AMA Richmond and Why We Nominated Her:

“A senior content and proposal specialist at Keiter, Coleen Moore is our AMA volunteer of the month. This past spring Coleen worked for months, on behalf of the AMA Collegiate Student Scholarships. Lending her marketing expertise, Coleen assisted with marketing campaigns, application reviews and scholarship interviews. A special thanks to Coleen for her efforts, on behalf of our future AMA marketers!” – Shelley Burns


Effectv combines the power of traditional television and premium digital video advertising to reach audiences through high-quality content at any time, on any device, and we’re ready to prove our impact on your business.

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