President’s Message

What a ride it’s been! I can’t help but think back to our “Get in, we’re going to the movies” moment with “Barbie” — it was a dynamic kickoff to a year dedicated to making an “Outsized impact”. And ever since, we’ve been on a mission to do just that, leaving our mark not just within our immediate AMA circle but in the wider Richmond community.

Still emerging from the pandemic, we rolled up our sleeves to rebuild our board, reimagine our identity and redefine our chapter’s future. We outlined a three-year vision and laid the foundation for an AMA chapter that’s ready to soar.

We curated a Programming strategy that catered to diverse audiences, delivering casual, intimate get-togethers for newcomers and introverts to vibrant, large-scale learning events that gave space to network and explore the challenges and opportunities facing us as an industry. We were intentional to foster an inclusive environment, where marketing, advertising, communications and design professionals of all stripes could find a sense of belonging and recognition. Moreover, we delved into not just the mechanics of marketing, but the essential soft skills and personal development crucial for career progression. The upcoming season promises to amplify these efforts, offering a full calendar of events to facilitate connection, learning, and growth.

We gave back to the community in ways big and small, from crafting holiday cards for local seniors to supporting the Monument Ave 10K runners and preserving the beauty of the James River. We established a partnership with ChamberRVA and are busy exploring all the ways we can collectively add value to the marketing and business community in the local region. And we supported the burgeoning VSU AMA Collegiate Chapter in its first year, donating funds to help send a team to the National AMA Collegiate Conference and serving as mock judges to help them prepare for a pitch competition. We also renewed engagement with the VCU Collegiate Chapter and look forward to building on that to nurture the next great generation of marketers.

In our quest to deliver greater member value, we introduced a pilot program for larger group memberships to offer special programming. In partnership with Colab, we’ve upgraded the back end of our website, which will enable us to enhance your experience—think better navigation and functionality, more multi-media, and exclusive content. And we’re working on a shiny new member – only Slack community (Stay tuned!). We’ve also been having fun stretching the boundaries of our visual brand to infuse more fun and personality into everything — after all, we’re marketers!

We’ve made great strides and have many plans in store to continue shaking things up and enhancing your experience—and your feedback is crucial in this dynamic journey. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my many years with AMA Richmond, you get out of it what you put into it. I encourage you to lean in: Put yourself out there and attend more events, raise a hand to volunteer (we’ve got a number of one-off and ongoing opportunities, based on your skills and preferences) and consider board participation. It’s incredibly rewarding in a way I can’t fully put into words. (On that note, we’ve been capturing all the behind-the-scenes magic this year, and with a little help from our friends, Parkwood Creative, we’ll be sharing a glimpse into the AMA experience come fall.)

As Ferris Bueller wisely said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I can’t believe my season is already wrapping up, but I’m grateful for every moment as your chapter president. I’m excited to hand over the reins to the incredibly capable Amy Baril and our stellar board. And don’t worry, I’m not going far — I’ll be right here, serving as your immediate past president and remaining an active member of our community.

A huge thank you to our sponsors, without whom we could not do any of this, and to our entire board who have worked tirelessly to make an outsized impact. I’m excited to see what comes next.

With heartfelt thanks,

Amanda Creger

2023-2024 President | AMA Richmond

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